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Send an SMS directly from Doctosmart, whether it be a personalized message, an automated appointment reminder, promotion or for billing and payments. 96% of SMSs are opened within 3 minutes.
Need to send a newsletter, promotion or special offer to a certain group of patient? Add tags to your database to help you filter patient into groups and ensure you only send them relevant content.
Instantly generate a report of clients that have been inactive for 1,3,6 months. Send them an email or SMS directly from Doctosmart with a special offer to win them back to your practice and reduce churn
Accept 24/7 online bookings on your website, even if your physical Clinic is closed. Customise your booking form, then add to your website (no coding experience required). Let your customers book when they want to.
Schedule automated text message appointment reminders. Customise the SMS with your own words and sender name. Choose to send at a time period prior to the appointment that works for your Clinics.
Easily connect Doctosmart to Facebook or instagram. From there you can make Clinic promotion.
Tuesdays or the afternoons slow? Use the dashboard and analytics to understand key information about your practice and run a targeted promotion to increase appointments and revenue.
Send out promotions, newsletters, feedback surveys or special offers – it’s all possible directly from the Doctosmart platform. You can even create and save a template for next time.
Doctosmart is a software service that can help you do just that. We’re the best-kept secret in healthcare, and we’re ready to help you see more patients without paying for expensive advertising campaigns.
Doctosmart helps doctors communicate quickly and easily with their patients.
It will help you to create and maintain a good relationship with your patients and hence acquire more.
That's why we created communication facility in Doctosmart, the communication platform built from the ground up for innovation.
We understand that the key to building strong patient relationships is trust. We help you build trust with your patients from your very first interaction with them.